Evans Mwaniki currently serves as a Physiotherapist, at The Nairobi Hospital; and as one of the Senior Consultant Physiotherapists & Corporate Generalists, at Nairobi Fitness Consulting; a leading Health and Wellness conglomerate in Africa.

Evans currently serves as a Physiotherapist, at The Nairobi Hospital; and as one of the Senior Consultant Physiotherapists & Corporate Generalists, at Nairobi Fitness Consulting; a leading Health and Wellness conglomerate in Africa. 

He is a trained and certified Physiotherapist, from the Kenya Medical Training College. Evans is certified by the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) through the Kenya Society of Physiotherapists (KSP). He is also a registered and licensed Physiotherapist, by the Physiotherapy Council of Kenya (PCK), a regulatory body established under an Act of Parliament, by the Government of Kenya, with its HQ at the Ministry of Health. 

Evans holds Professional Certifications with the Johns Hopkins University, coursera course in Clinical Trials Data Management and Quality Assurance; University of Pennsylvania coursera course in The Economics of Health Care Delivery; World Health Organization (WHO) Leadership and Programme Management in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC); World Health Organization (WHO) Management and Facilitation of an After Action Review (AAR); World Health Organization (WHO) Simulation Exercise Management; International Olympic Committee (IOC) Professional Sports Management; International Olympic Committee (IOC) Sports Coaching; International Olympic Committee (IOC) Sports Psychology; International Olympic Committee (IOC) Understanding Sports Injuries; Stanford University School of Medicine, (USADA) HealthPro Advantage – Anti-doping Education for the Health Professional; Stanford University School of Medicine, Nutrition Series – Micronutrients and Diet; among others. 

With close to a decade of experience, focused on improving patient health and lowering healthcare costs, he has demonstrated the ability to transform businesses and organizations to deliver superior results. He has a real passion for delivering value to clients (with his principle of customer first), investing in talent, and getting things done. 

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