From the prevention of blood clots and reducing the risk of chest infections, to providing pain relief and increasing strength, range of motion, power & agility, science has proven that Nutrition, Physiotherapy Exercises and Psychology play a vital role in post-operative recovery and return to function.
For pre-op and post-operative pulmonary hypoxemia, cardiac rehabilitation, muscle strengthening protocols, posture, gait, balance and coordination & socially integrated functionally active rehabilitation.
We work closely with Specialist Surgeons and General Physicians to follow individualized pre and post-operative protocols and management strategies. We offer non-pharmacotherapy lifestyle interventions with medical monitoring and evaluation to ensure patient behavior modification and adherence.
Nairobi Fitness Consulting practices a paradigm from a disease to function model, with a move from organ-based medicine to functional medicine. Therefore, our interventions focus on functional ability, made up of the intrinsic capacity and functional reserve of the individual, and is about having the capability to carry out activities that people value irrespective of comorbidities.
Adhesiolysis; Apendectomy; Bariatric Gastric Band, Roux-en-Y Bypass, Sleeve & Plication; Caesarian; Cholecystectomy; Cholangiopancreatography; Colectomy; Cystectomy; Gastrojejunostomy; Hernia Repair; Hysterectomy; Myomectomy; Nissen Fundoplication; Nephrectomy; Pectopexy; Polypectomy; Pancreatoduodenectomy; Prostatectomy; Sacrocolpopexy; Salphingo-oophorectomy.
Aneurysm Repair; Balloon Angioplasty and Stent Placement; Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG); Heart Transplant; Heart Valve Repair or Replacement; Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) Hybrid Repair; Left Ventricular Remodeling; Maze Surgery; Open Heart/ Sternotomy; Pacemaker Insertion or Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD); Tetralogy Repair; Thrombectomy; Transmyocardial Revascularization (TMR); Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) Insertion or Total Artificial Heart (TAH).
Abdominoplasty; Augmentation Mammaplasty; Blepharoplasty; Brachioplasty; Clitoroplasty; Colpocleisis; Colporrhaphy; Gluteoplasty; Gynecomastia; Hymenoplasty; Injectable Fillers; Kybella; Liposuction; Lumpectomy; Mammaplasty; Mastopexy; Penile Implant; Perineorrhaphy; Rhinoplasty; Rhytidectomy; Vaginoplasty.
Arthroscopy; Arthrodesis; Arthroplasty; Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI); Bunionectomy; Chondroplasty; Fasciotomy; Golfers and Tennis Elbow Release; Hand and Foot Repair; Open and Closed Fracture Fixation; Total Hip Replacement; Total Knee Replacement; Labral Repair; Latarjet; Ligament Reconstruction; Meniscectomy; Osteotomy; Shoulder Acromioplasty; Spinal Repair; Discectomy, Laminectomy; Tendon Repair.
Adhesiolysis; Bleb Resection; Bullectomy; Lobectomy; Lung Transplant; Pleurectomy; Pleurodesis; Pneumonectomy; Segmentectomy; Wedge Resection; Colorectal; Craniotomy; Dyspnoea; Hepatectomy; Kidney Transplant; Liver Transplant; Mastectomy; Nephrectomy; Polypectomy; Splenectomy; Thoracentesis; Thyroidectomy.
Acute Myocardial Infarction; Alzheimer's; Anaemia; Angina; Anorexia; Arrhythmia; Asthma; Atheroma; Autoimmune Disease; Back Pain; Bipolar Disorder; Cachexia; Cancer; Chronic Metabolic Disease; Chronic Multisymptom Illness; Concussion; Cholangitis; Cholelithiasis; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD); Crohn's Disease; Dementia; Diabetes; Dyslipidemia; Fatty Liver Disease; Fibroids; Fibromyalgia; Frailty; Gastroenteritis; Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD); Heart Disease; Heart Failure; Hypochondria; Hypertension; Hypotension; Insulin Resistance; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Kidney Disease; Lumbar Canal Stenosis; Major Depressive Disorder; Malaise; Mitral Valve Regurgitation; Neck Pain; Neuropathies; Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease; Obesity; Osteoarthritis; Parkinsonism; Pleural Effusion; Polycystic Ovarian Disease; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; Psychosomatic Disorder; Pulmonary Hypertension; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Sexual Dysfunction; Sarcopenia; Sleep Apnea; Sprains; Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery (SVD); Strains; Stress; Stroke; Syncope; Thrombocytopenia; Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Offering concierge services at the comfort of patients’ home and/ or office/ environment of choice to aid with psychological tranquility and quick recovery.
With our detailed understanding of human anatomy, we help manage swelling (oedema), acute neck and back pains, posture related movement dysfunction and scar tissue formations.
Although any organ may show accelerated functional decline driven by a stressor, the skeletal muscles, and brain are the most common.
Infections, medicines, injury and surgery are some of the endogenous and exogenous stressors that lead to significant decline in functional reserve, resistance, and resilience of multiple organ systems, and the resultant extreme vulnerability of the individual.
The adverse health-related outcomes caused by frailty that we help rehabilitate from include falls, delirium, immobility or disability and consequently hospitalizations, institutionalization, and mortality.
We focus on comprehensive care plan for functional healthy ageing, which is more than just the absence of disease but the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age irrespective disease.
Therefore, healthy aging is considered to occur even in individuals that have a chronic disease as long as they maintain daily functional ability.

clients who trust us

“Evans was so compassionate and really seemed to care about my case! He was so nice to work with and helped me get the results I wanted!”
Total Knee Replacement Patient, Council Member
“We have been working with the firm for quite some time. They handle all of our needs. The exercises are simplified. Highly recommended.”
Anorexia Patient, Minor

“The therapists at this firm are very professional and talented. They always impress me with their knowledge and dedication.”
Lumbar Canal Stenosis Patient, c-Suite Executive
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Book a consultation for yourself, your partner, or your kin, and watch life transform right before your eyes.